Will Renwick – Every Mountain in Wales

"My kit list was as light as I could get it, but as always on these types of journeys, the challenge is in the balance"

Welsh born hiking enthusiast and outdoor Journalist Will Renwick, recently took on the length of Wales, hiking and running the length of the country, summiting every mountain along the way! Taking on his first long distance running challenge during an arduous Welsh October, Will battled the elements to make the finish line in just 23 days. Discussing his journey, Will caught up with Ultrarunner Magazine for a Q & A …

Will’s Background…

At 22 years old I walked out of my front door and with very little planning I made my way towards the Welsh Coast, walking the entirety of Wales in 63 days, satisfying my passion for the outdoors and birthing a new appetite for exploration.

“Steadily I began to tick off all the footpaths in Wales and just as soon as I thought that I had run out of routes to explore, I came across an article from the BBC. I read about two guys who had linked up every mountain in Wales (everything over 2,000ft) and the moment I learnt of the route I knew that I would have to give it a go. A year later, I was stepping out once again, to undertake what would be one of the hardest challenges of my life!”

The Route…

I followed the same route that the two guys (Matt and Mike) in the article had planned out. The challenge started at Swansea observatory, taking a line through the South Wales valleys before linking up with the Brecon Beacons, starting on the western side and then traversing from west to east, the route goes right up through Mid-Wales before finishing off in Snowdonia on a very twisty route to Conwy castle.

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