What Kit Do I Need?

Joe Jones highlights the main kit needed for a 50 mile event

Race season is back in full swing in the next few months and I’m sure new potential ultrarunners are on the horizon hungrily seeking out their very first long distant event. Running an ultra is a little different from running a marathon for many reasons and carrying, the mandatory kit is one of them. GB Ultras ambassador and Ultrarunner Joe Jones owner of RunAsylum has put together an article explaining what kit may is most likely needed to help you get ready for your first event.

Definition of mandatory

Required by law or mandate, compulsory. Most ultra-events will require you to carry all this kit throughout the race but some of this equipment may be allowed to be worn. In this article, we have highlighted some of the kits that this may apply too but it’s worth checking with your event organisers as the rules might change slightly between organisations. 

Mobile Phone

Your mobile phone can be used to call Race HQ or the Medical Team in case of emergency away from an aid station involving you, or another runner. It allows the race organisers to guide you to safety and it allows them to locate you more quickly and easily. Most ultra-events take you to places where phone reception is widespread and often good, even on more remote trails. It is advised that you carry a power pack to keep your phone always charged. It is found that the older phones last longer than the newer smartphones. It might be worth purchasing an old phone for ultras events. You wouldn’t want to break your top of the range gadget. 

Don’t forget to add those Contact numbers at registration.

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