Ultra running – It is more than sport, it is a calling!

Isle of Bute 'Fastest Known Time' - Martin Rutherford

It is more than sport, it is a calling!

I heard a saying once; ‘If you have not solved all of your problems after running an ultra, then you have not run far enough’… maybe that’s why I have to keep on running them?

In ultra running there are no limits, only those in which you set yourself. Knowing your boundaries but pushing them anyway, it is addictive. The adrenaline gushing through my blood stream, the endorphins roaring!  It is more than sport, it is a calling.

Martin Rutherford

Switching off from the outside world, focusing only on the now. Concentrating my mind on the present, any past and future problems leave me. Meditative blinkers block out everything not connected to my breath, my body, my feet, and the earth underneath them. It is a mindful practice.

Contrary, during less technical routes, the run becomes a reflective ritual. The freedom of space and time to work through any issues I have in the ‘real world’, the trail has become my councillor, a gentle confidant.

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