The Thrilling World of Mountain Ultra Running

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Ultra running is all about exploring your limits, pushing your boundaries, and defying the odds. It’s an extreme sport that requires both physical endurance and mental stamina. And if you’re one of those adventure junkies who crave for more challenges, then mountain ultra running might just be the next level of thrill that you need.

We will dive into the exciting world of mountain ultra running with ThruDark, discuss its unique challenges, and how you can prepare yourself for this incredible journey that lies ahead.


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What is mountain ultra running?

Mountain ultra running is a type of trail ultramarathon that takes place in high-altitude terrains, steep slopes, and rugged landscapes. The distances can range from 50 kilometers to over 100 miles, and the elevation gain can be anywhere between 5,000 to 30,000 feet. The terrain can be rocky, muddy, snowy, icy, and everything in between, making it a formidable challenge even for the most seasoned ultra runners.


Mountain ultra running is not for the faint-hearted or the unprepared.


What are the unique challenges of mountain ultra running?

Mountain ultra running poses several unique challenges that make it stand out from other ultramarathons. The first challenge is the altitude, which can cause shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, and fatigue, even in well-trained runners. The second challenge is the steep climbs and descents, which require significant leg strength, balance, and coordination. The third challenge is the weather, which can quickly change from sunny to stormy, hot to cold, and dry to wet, creating unpredictable and often hazardous conditions.


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How can you prepare yourself for mountain ultra running?

Preparing for mountain ultra running requires a combination of physical and mental training. Physically, you need to build your endurance, strength, and agility through distance running, hill repeats, strength training, and cross-training. Mentally, you need to develop resilience, focus, and determination by practicing visualisation, positive self-talk, and mindfulness techniques. Additionally, you should familiarise yourself with the course, the weather conditions, and the required gear and nutrition. It’s also recommended to join a trail running group, hire a coach, or attend a mountain ultra running clinic to learn from experienced runners and gain more insights.


“It’s all about experiencing, embracing and marinating in your fear… Wherever that fear is, it is probably where you will find out a lot about yourself; that’s where the growth is.

I think for a lot of ultra runners, and it’s a case of the more you do, the more you challenge yourself; it’s always about the next thing.”

Jonny Pain


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What are some of the best mountain ultra running events in the world?

There are numerous mountain ultra running events that take place across the globe, each with its own unique terrain, scenery, and vibe. Some of the most popular and challenging ones include the Hardrock 100 in Colorado, USA, the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc in France, Italy, Switzerland, and the UTMB Oman by UTMB in Oman.

These events attract elite ultra runners, adventurers, and nature lovers from all corners of the world and offer a once-in-a-lifetime experience that’s hard to forget.


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Mountain running requires a significant amount of physical and mental preparation, as well as a deep passion for the outdoors and adventure. For those who dare to take on the challenge, it can be one of the most rewarding and memorable experiences of their lives. So, if you’re up for the thrill, grab your trail shoes, pack your gear, and hit the trails.

The mountains are waiting for you.


About ThruDark

ThruDark was founded in 2017 by two former UK Special Forces operators, Louis Tinsley and Anthony “Staz” Stazicker CGC. By the end of their distinguished and decorated military careers, the two had nearly 30 years of combined experience under their belts, operating in some of the most hostile conditions in the world.  Thirty years is a lot of time spent testing kit and the two would often find themselves modifying what they were issued to better suit the task at hand. Relentlessly critiquing kit from other well-known outdoor brands led both men to the conclusion that they could do better – and so ThruDark was born. 

Fast forward five years and ThruDark has become a significant force in the UK outdoor industry with an expansive range stretching from extreme-expedition-ready insulated jackets, to hard wearing trousers, high performance activewear, hot weather clothing and even combat sportswear.  

Visit the ThruDark website here


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