Imo Boddy Smashes 45-year-old Three Peaks Women’s Record 

She broke the previous record that was set in 1979.

At precisely 7 am on the 15th May, 24-year old Imogen ‘Imo’ Boddy began a endurance challenge she had been preparing for months to achieve. She will set the new World Record for the Women’s National Three Peaks Record. 

The National Three Peaks record is the ascension of the three highest peaks in Great Britain: Ben Nevis (Scotland), Scafell Pike (England) and Snowdon/Yr Wydfrr (Wales). The racer will also have to run between the three peaks. 

After a relentless journey, covering a staggering distance of more than 680k and conquering over 10,000m of elevation, she finally felt the chilling waters of the Welsh ocean at 12:43 pm on May 21.

Her time of 6 days, 5 hours and 43 minutes broke the previous women’s record set by Ann Sayer in 1979 (7 days and 31 minutes). 

The current men’s record is held by Arthur Eddleston (1980) followed in Sayer’s footsteps, setting the men’s FKT of 5 days, 23 hours and 37 minutes. 

During her challenge, Imo (Imogen) covered more that 100km a day, sleeping for minimal hours in the back of the stationary van driven by her family. 

Imo was joined by some exceptional friends while on her pursuit; Ironman endurance legend Sean Conway took up the road beside her for a few miles as she made her way to Snowdon. Joshua Patterson also joined her for the final day. 

Imo now holds two world records: in 2022, she became the youngest female to run the length of Britain: 1340k from John o’Groats to Land’s End, in 22 days, covering 60k a day.

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