There are names we regularly see pop up in races, continually smashing out course records and podium places, and when Gavin Dale returned from New Zealand, he became a force to be reckoned with and ensured that he right up there as one to watch.
Gavin took first position on the podium at the Arc of Attrition, a 100-mile race around the foot of England. Along the Cornish coastline, this point-to-point race features a myriad of challenges, including both trail and road running and hills.

“I’ve been running for about the last five years now. I started as a road runner, doing half marathon distance for a couple of years, but I got a bit bored of that.” Gavin told us.
“I moved over to New Zealand in 2020 for a couple of years on a working holiday, and it’s just the best place to explore the trails.”
“So that changed what running was to me. I got far more into going out on the trails, going up in the mountains, and with that, then the racing side of it turned to the longer distance as well.”
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